Monday, November 23, 2020


Saint Chrysogonus

known as

24 November


Our saint today was a Priest in Rome. He is mentioned in the never ending Roman Canon; Eucharistic Prayer #1 . He was a good and holy priest who taught the faith quite effectively, but to the wrong people, notably Saint Anastasia who was the daughter of the well connected Roman noble Praetextatus.

This made his name known to our good friend the Emperor Diocletian. The Emperor felt Chrysogonous needed to become a martyr for this, and so he used the almost always effective method of beheading to accomplish his goal.

Chrysogonous’s bodine was unceremoniously tossed into the sea, it eventually washed ashore and recovered. He is buried in Venice but his skull is in the Basilica that bears his name in Rome.

Chrysogonous was a Greek by ethnicity living in Rome. The Greek Church calls him a “Great Martyr” under those dopey hats they wear.

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