Monday, March 1, 2021


Saint Chad

Also known as
· Ceadda

· 2 March


Our saint today has a father and 2 brothers who are also considered saints: his dad was Saint Adian and his brothers were Saints Cedd and Saint Cynibild.

The story goes that not long after Chad became abbot of his monastery, the newly chosen Bishop of the local diocese went to Gaul for consecration, and stayed so long that the King declared the see vacant and procured the election of Chad as bishop of York.

Naturally the humble Chad felt unworthy, but threw himself into the new vocation, doing the Lord’s work. When The Bishop returned, Saint Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, decided that Chad’s Episcopal consecration was invalid, and that Chad must give up the diocese to Wilfrid the original bishop. Chad replied that he had never thought himself worthy of the position, that he took it through obedience, and he would surrender it through obedience. Theodore, astonished at this humility, consecrated Chad himself, and appointed him bishop of the Mercians in Lichfield in 669.

Chad went on to found monasteries, preach and built churches and a cathedral. He dug a well for the comfort and relief of travelers and miraculous cures began to be reported there.

Legend says that on one occasion two of the pagan king’s sons were hunting, and were led by their quarry to the oratory of Saint Chad where they found him praying. They were so impressed by the sight of the frail old man upon his knees, his face glowing with rapture that they knelt, asked his blessing, and converted. The pagan King was so angry that he slew his sons, and hunted down Saint Chad in order to deliver his comeuppance. But as he approached the bishop’s cell, a great light shone through its single window, and the king was almost blinded by its brightness; he abandoned his plan for revenge. The murder of his sons was declared an “oops” apparently.

During storms, Chad would go to chapel and pray continually. He explained, “God thunders forth from heaven to rouse people to fear the Lord, to call them to remember the future judgment…”

He died in England of natural causes after a brief illness, probably the plague on 2 March 672.

For humility

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