Thursday, June 8, 2023

Ephraim of Syria

Hi Saint Gang....I know it's been a while....sorry!   Retirement has been good to me, more or less....anyhoo, here goes!  

Saint Ephraim of Syria

Memorial 9 June


Our Saint for this week was born c.306 in modern Syria he was baptized at the age of 18.  His dad was probably a pagan priest in Mesopotamia.  Ephraim was well educated and became a deacon for the Church. 

 After his conversion he had a great devotion to our Lady.   He was a learned and well written man, and, like many other deacons, was a super preacher.  Since all the Delaney books have gone missing, it is not clear if he did or did not attend the Council of Nicaea in 325.   He might have and most folks say he did.  

When his part of Mesopotamia was ceded to Persia a great Christian persecution began.    Ephraim led a large group of Christians from there to safety.  

 Our Saint founded schools to pass on his learning to the next generation of Christians.   He was a prolific writer of theology, poetry and songs.   It was Ephraim who began to introduce songs into public worship, you now know who to thank the next time you hear the lilting first notes of “Lord of the Dance” at Church.   Pope Benedict the XV proclaimed Ephraim one of the, now 37, Doctors of the Church in 1920.  Yes folk now we have 37 Doctors of the Church

He is the Patron Saint of Spiritual Directors…..Thanks to my spiritual director, Monsignor Yoda, for all you have done to help me over the years. 

 Ephraim died 9 June 373 at Edessa which is in modern Iraq of natural causes.  He is buried in the Armenian Monastery west of Edessa.

He is the Patron Saint of spiritual directors and spiritual leaders



“O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faintheartedness, lust of power, and idle talk. “But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to your servant.

“Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sin and not to judge my brother, for You are blessed from all ages to all ages. Amen”  -Saint Ephraim

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