Monday, October 9, 2023

Denis of Paris

Saint Denis of Paris


Also known as: Dionysius of Paris

memorial:  9 October


Our Saint this week is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and as such, even though a patron of France, he holds a special place in my heart.   He was born in Italy, and became a missionary in the third century to Paris.  France at that time was a barbaric and wild land.    He was the first Bishop of Paris.

 His preaching and leadership, along with legendary miracles led to a great many conversions, he brought Paris and all of France into the fold.   Naturally, this success roused the ire of local pagans, who convinced the local pagan hordes to maltreat him probably by throwing baguettes and croissants, and probably more noxious things as well.   Eventually the pagan Roman Governor had our saint imprisoned.    As with many Christians at the hands of pagans he was tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Decius.    He was beheaded in the year 258 or thereabouts, on Mountmarte (mount of martyrs). His decapitated body was thrown into the river Seine, but later recovered and buried by his disciples.  His relics are now at the monastery of Saint Denis 

Anyhoo, legends have grown up around his torture and death, he was beheaded and the most famous story has his body carrying his severed head some distance from his execution site.  Denis is said to have picked up his severed gourd and then proceed to walk six miles while acephalous, preaching a sermon the entire way from the severed head in his hands.   There are several stories of other saints carrying their own severed heads after decapitation; saints who do this are called cephalophores (head carriers).   This is primarily the reason I say beheading is usually effective in making martyrs.     

 Saint Genevieve built a basilica over his grave. His feast was added to the Roman Calendar in 1568 by Pope Saint Pius V, though it had been celebrated since 800.

He is patron saint; against frenzy, headaches, and against rabies 

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