Monday, September 13, 2021

John Chrysostom

St. John Chrysostom

13 September

Also known as:
Greatest of the Greek Fathers
Giovanni Crisostomo

Our saint for today was born to Christian parents, about the year 344, in Antioch.

For some reason John got stung by the kooky anchorite bug and at the age of 30 he moved to the mountains near Antioch. This lasted for 12 years, John got sick and had to come back to civilization…or he finally realized living all alone in a cave in the mountains was a wacky thing to do. More than likely it was because the Holy Spirit had other plans for Johnny….He was ordained a priest and got to the work for which he was intended. It was for his sermons that John earned the title Chrysostom = golden mouthed. They were always on point, they explained the Scriptures with clarity, and they sometimes went on for hours.

In the late 300’s he was made the Archbishop of Constantinople reluctantly, and became one of the greatest lights of the Church; unfortunately this was a move that involved him in the Byzantine (literally) world of imperial politics. John was very vocal and critical of the affairs of the Byzantine Empire, as the Archbishop he was heard and heard quite clearly. He criticized the rich for not helping the poor, he fought to reform the clergy, prevented the sale of ecclesiastical offices, called for fidelity in marriage, encouraged practices of justice and charity plus he revised the Greek Liturgy.

Because John’s sermons advocated a change in their lives, and hit a little too close to home, frankly, some nobles and bishops worked to remove him from his diocese; he had enemies in high places, including the Patriarch of Alexandria, Theophilus.

You see Theophilus believed and taught the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father, only, and from there, through the Son. This notion is still the norm in certain Eastern, Dopey hat wearin' Churches, it is called the “fillioque” controversy. The Eastern Orthodox say this is one of the big reasons we cannot be united again.

The Latin Church and the Pope and many theologians in the west including our Saint today, have always disputed this, idea. We are taught and believe what is said in the Nicene Creed at Mass “I believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord and the Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son……” in fact that part about the Holy Spirit Proceeding from the Father and the Son came about because of this Theological debate with our Saint for today. In my opinion, this whole fillioque controversy is a misunderstanding and semantics. Does the Spirit proceed from the Father and the Son? Or does He proceed from the Father through the Son? Does he proceed from the father and sent by the Son? (John 16:7-8 and ff). Remember also in John, Jesus says “The father and I are one…” (John 10:30). I’m sure we are arguing stupidly as the Devil laughs. Let’s talk about those Dopey Hats…something that is more irreconcilable in my opinion.

Several accusations were brought against Our Saint in a pseudo-council, and he was sent into exile. He found it important that even with this exile; the Pope remained his friend, and did for him what lay in his power. In the true Christian spirit, spurred on by this noble theological controversy, I’m sure, his enemies were not satisfied with the sufferings he had already endured, and they banished him still further, to Pythius, which was, literally, the end of nowhere as far as the empire was concerned. John died on his way there on September 14, 407. He is one of the 36 Doctors of the Church.

· against epilepsy
· Constantinople (and modern Istanbul)
· epileptics
· lecturers
· orators
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· speakers

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· dove

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